Pre-Law Course Offerings in Sociology

Pre-Law Course Offerings in Sociology

The Department of Sociology has created a Pre-Law Outreach program for students wishing to attend law school and work in the criminal justice system. Although the American Bar Association does not recommend a specific undergraduate major to students wishing to obtain a degree in law, they encourage students to pursue an area of interest. To this end, the Department of Sociology has designated courses and cognates that provide students the opportunity to become well versed in the sociological theories, paradigms and research efforts directly pertinent to the law, criminal behavior, or the criminal justice system. Students with these interests should consider a major or minor in Criminology or Sociology.

Sociology Courses for Pre-Law Interested Students

SOC 270 Deviant behavior SOC 370 Criminology
SOC 271 Criminal Justice SOC 371 Criminology: Police and Community
SOC 303 Social Inequalities SOC 372 Criminology: Courts and Society
SOC 304 Dynamics of Poverty in the United States  SOC 374 Criminology: Corrections
SOC 365 Internship  SOC 377 Sociology of Drug Abuse
SOC 368 Violence in America SOC 378 Criminology: Law and Society
SOC 369 Crime and Public Policy SOC 487 Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice
SOC 370 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 488 Gender and Crime

Sociology Courses for Pre-Law Interested Students

In addition to these courses, the Department of Sociology administers People and Society cognates that may be of interest to Pre-Law students:

Pre-Law: Social Foundations of the Legal System
Race and Ethnic Relations in the US
Social Institutions
Inquiries regarding the Department of Sociology Pre-Law Outreach Program should be directed to:
Nick Petersen, Associate Professor 
Coordinator, Department of Sociology Pre-Law Outreach Program
Department of Sociology
Merrick 122G

Judge Ellen Venzer* 
Inquiries regarding the Pre-Law advising should be directed to:
Edward Cruz
Toppel Career Center
5225 Ponce De Leon Blvd; (305) 284-5451

* All undergraduate students 

